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I am so thankful for each and every single person that has trusted me enough to lay on my table and allow me to do the work that I am meant to do with my heartfelt hands. It brings me immense joy and purpose to help you with your bodywork needs and I can't imagine myself doing anything else as a career. Bodywork and Reiki are my passion, as it is work in service to others for the betterment of their wellbeing of mind-body-soul.

Something many of you might not know about me is that I am on my own journey to healing and better health. I had some mental health scares postpartum with my babies that I am still recovering from. Believe it or not, practicing bodywork and creating a safe space of healing energy for others is healing me as well. I feel so blessed to be able to go to work every day and be of service to others, knowing full well that they are in fact of great service to my healing journey. It is a mutually beneficial relationship that keeps me striving to be a better bodywork practitioner and Reiki healer. Some have called me a wounded healer.. a person who has touched the depths of depression and endured many painful experiences in life which have helped shape me into the empathetic, accepting, and resourceful bodywork therapist that I am today-all in the name of helping others mend their broken hearts, minds, and bodies in an effort to reach a higher potential.

So, thank you. Thank you for allowing me to heal while I do my best to facilitate your healing journey. I am very well aware of how lucky I am to be in such a position in life, and I honor each and every one of you for being present with me and allowing me "in." Peace be with you!

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